Bunion Aligner / Splint

Hallux abducto valgus, better known as a bunion, can be managed with a aligner/splint device. Although the bone change at the joint cannot be fixed without surgery, the progression of the change can be prevented and symptoms mitigated with this device. These devices are to be worn as much as possible, during the day and at night.

The earlier treatment is begun, the more successful the outcome.

These devices are custom measured for each patient’s foot at the time of assessment. Some private insurance companies do cover the cost, and a cost estimate can be provided to you, for submission to your insurance company if you are unsure of your coverage.

It is important to remember that most treatments for bunions are not a quick fix, often maintenance of symptoms and prevention of further changes is the main treatment.

The foot specialists at East Foot Clinic can help treat bunions and are knowledgeable in these devices. To book an appointment please call 647-501-3338 or email info@eastfootclinic.com