Diabetic Wounds/Ulcers

Diabetic wounds/ulcers are a complication of diabetes that can have a life changing impact if not assessed and treated right away. These wounds can begin at sites of trauma such as stepping on a nail or a blister from a poor-fitting shoe. They can start very small and progress rapidly without treatment. In a healthy individual, the wound is often able heal on its own, however those living with diabetes have a tougher time. If left untreated complications can include infection, foot deformities, sepsis and/or amputation.

There are 3 important components when assessing a diabetic foot wound and its ability to heal such as the VIPs of wound healing:

  • V: vascular - assessment of the blood flow to the wound

  • I: infection - assessment if there are signs and symptoms of infection (i.e., redness, heat, swelling, odor, discharge)

  • P: pressure - assessment of offloading modalities that can be used to relieve pressure at the wound site (i.e., debridement, padding, footwear modifications)

The VIPs of wound healing in conjunction with manual treatments by the Chiropodist can contribute to the success of wound healing.

The foot specialists at East Foot Clinic can help treat diabetic wounds/ulcers. To book an appointment please call 647-501-3338 or email info@eastfootclinic.com