Laser Therapy (Phototherapy)

Phototherapy exposes cells of the body to light. Certain wave lengths of light produce photochemical reactions, stimulating the cells of the body to produce energy. This increase in energy allows the cells to work more efficiently for better function.

When cells and tissues are damaged, they work less efficiently as their functions are inhibited.

The light of the BIOFLEX laser alternates between red and infrared light in order to displace the damaged parts of the cells and tissues. This light functions as biochemical energy to improves the efficiency of the body's healing capabilities. With cells functioning better, the body is able to heal itself in a shorter period of time.

Some unique effects of Phototherapy include:

  • Increased cell metabolism

  • Improved oxygenation and blood flow to the area

  • Development of new collagen and muscle tissue to decrease scar tissue formation

  • Improves tissue healing in superficial and deeper lying tissues

  • Relief from acute and chronic pain

  • Reduced local inflammation and edema

  • Stimulation of the immune system

  • Stimulation of nerve, cartilage and/or bone regeneration

  • Helpful for the treatment of conditions such as: strains, sprains, tendinopathies, bursitis, arthritis, wound healing, nerve healing, cartilage tears, and more!

To book an appointment to further inquire about this therapy please call 647-501-3338 or email