Nail Surgery

Nail surgeries are minimally invasive, soft tissue procedures that are performed in office for patient’s who experience recurring painful ingrown toenails and/or recurring infection.

There are different types of nail procedures:

  • Partial Nail Avulsion - in which one or both sides of the nail boarder(s) are removed

  • Total Nail Avulsion - in which the entire nail is removed

Both of the above procedures can be performed with or without matrixectomy - a special chemical that is applied to prevent the nail from growing back.

The procedure also requires the injection of a local anesthetic (very similar to dental procedures). The anesthetic is injected into both sides of toe to numb the 4 nerves that provide sensation to the surgical site.

Before the Procedure:

  • Wear wide and deep or open toed shoes to your appointment

  • Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) 1 to 2 hours before your appointment. Consult your doctor first if you have a bleeding disorder or if analgesics are otherwise contraindicated 

  • Arrive early to your appointment for paperwork and formalities 

  • Do not hesitate to ask questions!

After the Procedure:

  • The area will remain numb for 3 to 4 hours after the injection 

  • Should you experience excessive pain, redness, inflammation, swelling or excessive discharge , contact the office immediately or go to your nearest emergency department 

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be taken for pain as needed 

  • Some bleeding and/or clear drainage is a normal occurrence

  • For the first 24 hours, limit standing and walking and elevate your foot as much as possible 

  • Remove the dressing 24 hours after your surgery and begin foot soaks following the below instructions:

    • Soak foot daily in lukewarm water with epsom salts/table salt for 15 minutes.

    • Make sure to agitate the foot to help remove any debris from the surgical area

    • Dry foot well and apply one of the following as instructed by your chiropodist: betadine or antibiotic ointment (fucidin, polysporin), and a dry dressing (band-aid).

    • Repeat daily until follow up visit with your chiropodist

  • Make sure to keep the dressing dry, Change the dressing immediately if it gets wet. 

  • You can shower, but place a plastic bag over the foot to keep it dry 

  • Avoid any strenuous activities for the first 3 to 5 days after your surgery 

  • High heeled shoes should not be worn for several weeks after the procedure

  • Follow up with your chiropodist a week after the surgery. Call the clinic if any questions or concerns.