Corn (Heloma durum)

A corn is a hard compound of tissue that builds up over areas of pressure and irritation. When we have excess pressure and friction at one area, the body’s reaction to that is to protect itself by producing excess skin cells. In most cases, this excess tissue can become so compact and hard, forming a corn that causes pain to the individual. Other areas where corns can be found include the tips of the toes, in between the toes (soft corn), on the bottom of the heel (seed corn) and even on the outside of the little toe (hard corn). 

Common signs and symptoms:

  • Feeling like you are “walking on a pebble”

  • Varying levels pain at the site with walking. The pain is due to the structure of the corn, which almost looks like a party hat with the pointy end on the side and the bottom of the hat facing outwards.

  • The area may appear different from the surrounding skin as it may be raised with overlying callus or peeling skin.

  • Corns may appear yellow or brown in colour.

What causes corns?

The most common cause of corns is due to repeated pressure, irritation and friction from improper shoes that rub against the skin (i.e., tight shoes, high heel shoes, etc.). 


There are several treatment options depending on the state of the corn that the Chiropodist will discuss with you based on your particular presentation. Essentially treatment begins with removing any of the overlying callus and then removing or enucleating the corn. In most cases, this process does not cause pain. In the cases where this process is painful, treatment options such as keratolytics will be applied which help to soften the skin and break down the corn over time. In a majority of cases, corns will reappear after the initial treatment and so multiple sessions of treatment are required. If the corn is found to be due to a biomechanical issue, there may be the treatment option of a custom orthotic, temporary padding and/or shoe modifications for long term prevention.

The foot specialists at East Foot Clinic can easily help treat corns. To book an appointment please call 647-501-3338 or email