Fungal Nails (Onychomycosis)

A fungal nail infection can change the structure of the nail causing it to be thick, brittle, and discoloured (yellow, brown and white). Fungal nail infections can be categorized into mild, moderate and severe stages.

Common signs and symptoms:

  • Yellow, white and brown discoloration of the toenail(s)

  • Thickened, brittleness, lifting or cracking of the toenail(s)

  • An unpleasant scent coming from the nail or surrounding skin

  • A fungal skin infection can commonly be present alongside a toenail infection 

What causes ingrown toenails?

Fungal toenail infections are caused by microorganisms called dermatophytes, these elements naturally live on the body and like to thrive in warm, moist and salty environments such as our shoes.  About 1:10 people in Canada develop fungal nails for this reason, and this infection is known to be stubborn due to the fact that the fungus becomes embedded into the nail structure.  Early detection and consistent treatment will provide a more effective] outcome and resolution. 

Causes of fungal nail infections include: 

  • Tight footwear that does not allow the skin to breathe creates a perfect environment for fungus to grow

  • Risk increases with age and underlying health conditions (i.e. diabetes) due to weakened immune system

  • Nail trauma may create a break in the nail which acts as a portal of entry for the fungus 

  • Sharing nail tools or polish


There are various treatment options depending on the severity of the fungal nail infection. Fungal nail infections can be difficult and stubborn to treat and often over-the-counter products are not effective and costly. Some treatment methods include:

  • Patient educated on proper foot hygiene, and prevention/transmission strategies

  • Topical anti-fungal prescription medications 

  • Regular routine nail care and debridement of fungal elements to help eliminate the infection, decrease the nail thickness so the medication prescribed can penetrate more effectively

  • Permanent nail removal in more severe nail fungal stages may be considered

  • Other options such as laser therapy can be discussed with the foot specialist

The foot specialists at East Foot Clinic can easily treat fungal nails. To book an appointment please call 647-501-3338 or email