Bunions (Hallux Abducto Valgus)

Hallux abducto valgus, better known as a bunion, is a change in the bones of your big toe which overtime can cause the toe to push in towards the second toe. Sometimes because of this change there is a bump that forms on the side of the big toe. Initially, the condition is painless however as it progresses and the toe gets more pushed, it may begin to cause pain and rubbing of the toes. This is when most patients seek out treatment. However, in this case it is important to seek out treatment earlier so that we can try to prevent the progression of the changes.   

Common signs and symptoms:

  • Pain, tenderness and warmth at the site of the bunion, may worsen with some footwear 

  • Joint pain, especially with walking 

  • Worsening of pain as big toe continues to push in towards the other toes 

  • Callus under, between or at the top of the toes

  • Hammer toe of the 2nd toe

  • Flat feet

  • Ingrown toe nails

What causes bunions?

Bunions have several underlying causes, the main one is genetics. This means that if a family member has bunions, you are at a higher risk of developing them as well. Other causes include flat feet, foot biomechanics, flexible ligaments, trauma to the area and arthritis. Improper footwear such as tight or narrow shoes can worsen the symptoms but are not often the main cause of bunions. As well, being female makes you 2x more likely to develop bunions.

Treatment Options

It is important to remember that most treatments for bunions are not a quick fix, often maintenance of symptoms and prevention of further changes is the main treatment.

The foot specialists at East Foot Clinic can help treat bunions. To book an appointment please call 647-501-3338 or email info@eastfootclinic.com