Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is essentially an inflammation of the plantar fascia band that runs along the bottom of your foot. Some patients get more pain in the heel area, while others get it more in the arch of the foot. This band essentially helps hold all the foot structures into place and therefore works hard on a daily basis. 

Common signs and symptoms:

  • Pain along the bottom of your foot, worse with the first few steps in the morning 

  • Can affect one or both feet 

  • Begins gradual (dull ache) and then worsens (sharp/stabbing)

  • Stiffness, swelling and or/tenderness at the site 

  • Tightness in the Achilles tendon 

What causes plantar fasciitis?

Usually it is caused by an overuse or overstretching of this band. Sometimes if left untreated, the band can weaken and start to develop small tears, further increasing symptoms. Structural problems such as high or low arches and those with a tight achilles tendon can also be at a higher risk due to the strain that is placed on the band. Even footwear with soft soles and little-no arch support can be the cause. 

Treatment Options

It is important to remember that treatment for plantar fasciitis is not a quick fix and time is often the best aid in treatment.

The foot specialists at East Foot Clinic can help treat plantar fasciitis. To book an appointment please call 647-501-3338 or email